Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Reading The Night Circus

Source: via Katie on Pinterest


...which actually takes me longer to type because I hit the spacebar and shift key so very naturally that I don't even notice.

But seriously, this book is brilliant.  I'm even ignoring the comma splices everywhere and the one mistaken homonym I encountered awhile ago.

Also, I originally put "it's" after "ohmygosh" up there, then realized I spelled a swear word.  Oops.

If you're stopping by, you've caught me on a perky kind of cheerful day.  Usually I'm just cheerful, so this post is a rare find.


Laura said...

I KNOW, RIGHT?! I finished it a couple of weeks ago and was having the same reaction. Couldn't put it down. I got so swept away by the magic of it all (no pun intended...). I LOVE when I find a book that does that!

Brandi said...

Oh, yay yay yay! I 'm so glad you're loving the book. It's positively magical, don't you think? I pulled a few quotes from it that I read daily - just to remind me how magical the world is.