Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Writerly Travels: The Jane Austen House Museum

I'm taking another imaginary trip this morning.  Do you know how much I wish this was real?  I spent a few hours in Heathrow Airport on my way to Kenya four years ago, but that's all I've ever seen of the British Isles.  For some time, I've been compiling a list of things I must see if I can manage a trip across the pond.  The Jane Austen House Museum is, of course, one of the top locations on my list.  If you've been here before, you already know of my love for Jane Austen, seen here, here, and here, so I'm sure a virtual visit to the home in which she wrote and revised the majority of her novels comes as no surprise.

{by David Quick, on Flickr}

Jane Austen's House
{by erinsy, on flickr}

Jane Austen's writing desk
{by Pug, on Flickr}

Jane Austen's bedroom
{also by erinsy}

To examine why it can be insightful and useful for literary study to examine a writer's home and the environment that surrounded their composition, you can read this short article found on the Jane Austen House Museum's website.

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