Wednesday, July 21, 2010

today is one of these days

I'm thinking about posting a flickr photo a day.  Lately, I've become very fond of browsing whatever category suits my mood.  Today, I typed in "coffee and books" and came across this lovely and inspiring image.

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I feel more content with the slew of reading I'm about to begin for my fairy tale class.  I've never taken such a fun and enjoyable course.  I mean, I loved all my literature courses, no doubt, and really loved the semi-controversial classes I took last spring, but this one is simply enjoyable.  There's so much more to childhood fairy tales than the glass slipper fitting Cinderella's tiny feet.  Did you know that the slipper is only made of glass in seven of the three hundred forty-five Cinderella variations logged in the sixties?  It has appeared in more variations logged since then, but it's still in the minority.  Very interesting, no?

Ok.  Time for coffee, The Annotated Classic Fairy Tales by Maria Tatar, and listening to the lecture.

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