Tuesday, April 19, 2011

FOUND :: Nostalgic School Supplies

Growing up, I went school supply shopping in June, usually within a month of the end of school.  Sometimes I held out until July, but I usually didn't make it that long.  I was always more excited about entering the next grade of school than I was about having summer break.  My process for picking school supplies often involved several trips to Big Lots, where they had a steady supply of Lisa Frank everything, and Target, where I picked up my less vibrant items that the school required--a red folder for math, yellow for reading, etc.

In fourth grade, we had bigger desks, so we got to use binders.  I was so excited to purchase my first binder that I think I bought three before deciding which one would go in my desk.  In middle school, we didn't get our supply lists until two weeks before school started, and it drove me crazy.  I couldn't wait that long, I just couldn't!  So I shopped to outfit my locker in purple shelves and sparkly magnets.

In high school, I finally held out a little more, since we only got our supply lists on the first day of classes.  At that point, school was thoroughly routine, but I still stocked up on enough loose college ruled paper that I still have some left.

In truth, right now, I'm a little antsy to get back to school.  In August, when I plan to start, I'll breathe a huge sigh of relief.  I was excited to finish my coursework in three years and graduate in December, but I wasn't ready to be done with school, which is good, since I'll most likely be a student for at least another six years.  That means I get to keep stocking up on school supplies, right?

In short, I've always been a nerd about school (except in the time between spring break and the end of the year, but that's beside the point).  You can laugh at me now (I know my mom already was), so go ahead, but then take a look at all the vintage school supplies on Etsy.  I compiled a treasury last night that you can look at here, featuring the items in this post and more.


Gabriella {sensiblyluxe} said...

I love this post! I was one of those girls who began shopping for school supplies halfway through summer. My mom and I used to giftwrap the covers of all my books (mind you, we didn't do this past fourth grade), and when I got older, my friends and I would supply shop together.
Vintage school goodies are the best. You have me longing for freshly sharpened pencil and bright pink erasers.

erin said...

Really cool finds!! I am JEALOUS. :) I am a KY blogger too!

Katie said...

Thanks! Don't you just want to buy the whole lot of the supplies?